Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kite Festival

This past weekend was the annual Berkeley Kite Festival.  It took place near the Berkeley Marina, at Cesar Chavez Park, which is a nice spot to fly a kite.  There are a few grass covered hills and it's a really large area. And ideally, the wind blows in from the San Francisco Bay from the west.  It was cloudy early on, but the skies turned blue in the early afternoon for a beautiful day!

There were thousands of people there.  Many were families happily flying their kites together.   A very nice day, indeed! 

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures,indeed!
    I've not ever seen such big Octopus kites before. Kite is so familiar to us. If you post this without any information, there may be someone who believes it's a festival held in Japan :P
